Papillomas are single or multiple benign formations that occur in different parts of the body. Externally they appear in the form of papillae with a base. The consistency is thick or soft. The color can vary from light brown to dark brown.
Papillomas on the skin ruin the appearance, on the mucous membranes of internal anatomical structures they cause bleeding and the appearance of ulcers, in the larynx they compromise breathing and change the timbre of the voice. It is possible to eliminate growths using surgical excision, electrocoagulation, laser, cryodestruction and other methods.
What happened
Papillomas are benign neoplasms that affect the skin and epithelial cell structures. The main cause of its occurrence is infection with a human papillomatous virus (with a high or low level of oncogenicity).
The ICD-10 disease code is D23. The classification of the pathological condition depends on the location of the lesion. For example, if the pathology appears on the neck or head in the hair, it is assigned the code D23. 4, if localized on the arms and shoulder - D23. 6, if it affects the abdomen, the pubic part in men and women, chest and back area - D23, 5 and so on.
It is worth noting that papilloma has a predisposition to degenerate into a malignant form.
There are several types of papillomatous formations, which differ in structure, shape, color and other characteristics.
Simple (vulgar)
This is one of the most common types of papillomavirus. The formation of papillomas on the skin in this case can be provoked by several types of strains at once. According to statistics, about 30% of the population has encountered them at least once.
The favorite location for common warts is the upper extremities, especially the hands. However, such growths can cover the body, palms, toes, and other surfaces.
Such warts occur in damaged areas of the skin due to a decrease in the local immune system.
Externally, vulgar papillomas resemble papillae. In the early stages of development, the diameter cannot reach more than 2 millimeters. The head of the wart is soft with a uniform structure, rising above the surface of the epidermis.
When such forms appear, slight pigmentation is noted. As a result of the constant supply of nutrients from growing roots deep into the skin, the growths gradually become larger.
Often in the central part the appearance of a hair can be observed, which indicates the benign nature of the formation.
These are seals with a thin stem and an upturned head. Such growths cannot be confused with other varieties due to the peculiarities of their structure.
The appearance of papillomas on the body of this variety is observed after the age of 45 in places with thin skin. In particular, they form in the armpit, on the sternum in women and men and in the neck area.
As tumors grow in size, they elongate and become larger. The head of the growths is colored yellow or pink. The pigmentation level is weak.
In appearance they resemble small plaques that rise slightly above the surface of the skin. The root has a dense structure and grows deep into the layers of the dermis, which may be indicated by the appearance of painful sensations due to mechanical impacts or injuries.
Such growths are often located in the upper extremity area. There are also papillomas on the face. In some cases, tumors of this type appear in the anal area, in the pubic area in men and on the labia majora in women. Due to the fact that in these places they receive active nutrition, they begin to grow actively.
Flat papillomas are difficult to treat. After removal, a scar or scar remains at the site of the growth.
Externally they look like papillae, the size of which does not exceed 2-3 millimeters in diameter. Neoplasms tend to grow rapidly; from a small growth large growths appear on the skin. The shape resembles the cockerel's comb or cauliflower.
The danger of this type of warts is that there is a high probability of developing infectious and inflammatory processes in women in the area of the labia minora or vagina. Such formations are easily injured and can cause infection.
The problem with these papillomas is that they are prone to frequent relapses even after treatment with antiviral drugs or surgery.
The cause of papillomatosis of the skin of the feet is the presence of viral strains of types 1, 2 and 4 in the body. The elements resemble calluses, but in appearance they look like simple papillomas. They are also distinguished by the fact that they hurt under mechanical pressure, they do not have a skin pattern.
Plantar papillomas are subject to self-destruction, especially if they affect the body of a child. Often small blisters begin to form near the primary lesion. Over time, they transform, which contributes to the appearance of mosaic papillomatosis.
This type of growth occurs in rare cases, especially in young children. Infection with them occurs at the time of childbirth, if the mother at that time had genital warts on the genitals.
Filiform warts are most often located in the facial area. They can be located under the eyes, on the forehead, on the ear, on the neck in men and women. Vulgar type neoplasms are characterized by their appearance on the heels and hands. Also, warts can be found on the fingers, buttocks, thighs, elbows, in the navel, under the mammary glands, papillomas under the arms, on the tongue, in the throat and other parts of the body.
In general, papillomatosis refers to a generalized disease in which the entire body is covered with papillomas.
In addition, neoplasms can affect the liver, oral cavity, respiratory tract, lungs, kidneys and others.
Human papillomavirus is present in almost all bodies and does not make itself felt for a long time. However, under certain circumstances, it begins to become more active, thus causing the appearance of papilloma-like growths on the skin.
The development of the pathological process can be influenced by various factors. The most common ones include the following:
- unprotectedsexualcommunications;
- frequent sex changepartner;
- weakeningimmunity;
- defaulthygienicnorms of the oral cavity and intimate area;
- organ diseasesgastrointestinal- intestinal tract;
- violationexchangeprocesses;
- wrongnutrition;
- receptioncytostaticsor hormonal drugs.
The main risk factor for infection for men is considered to be a bad habit that contributes to a reduction in the immune system. Regular inhalation of tobacco smoke increases the likelihood of developing laryngeal papillomatosis.
Routes of infection
Experts distinguish 4 types of human papillomavirus transmission.
This route is considered one of the most common. The virion can enter the human body at any time during sexual contact. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that barrier contraceptives can only prevent infection of the genital organs, while the perineum and pubis remain unprotected.
There is a high survival rate of the virus in a humid environment. In this case, infection is possible when visiting a public place, for example, a bathhouse, swimming pool, sauna or toilet. The virus can also enter the body through the skin while using someone else's washcloth or towel.
Infection is possible at the moment when the damaged area of the skin comes into contact with the injured papilloma. This process is called autoinfection, when the carrier of the disease himself transfers virions from a pathological area of the body to a healthy one.
From mother to fetus
The virus does not have the ability to penetrate the placenta. However, infection is possible when the fetus passes through the mother's birth canal.
If the development of papillomatosis is suspected, it is recommended to contact a venereologist and dermatologist.
A definitive diagnosis can only be made based on the results obtained during the examination.
Clinical examination
At the appointment, the doctor identifies all types of formations present on the human body. They are examined and some notes are taken. If anogenital warts are detected, the patient receives a referral for examination to a gynecologist. Men may undergo ureteroscopy.
This is a diagnostic procedure that involves examining the female genital organs. To carry out the manipulation, a special device is used - a colposcope. Thanks to the drugs used during the examination it is possible not only to detect the virus, but also to evaluate the nature of its manifestation.
PCR analysis
The polymerase chain reaction allows you to detect infection and establish the presence of other pathological processes that can be sexually transmitted.
Cytological examination
It involves a classification that divides the pathology into 5 classes. The first indicates a normal cytological picture, the second indicates the presence of a large number of atypical cellular structures that can cause a tumor process.
It allows you to study the deep areas of the Malpighian layer, which makes it possible to confirm or deny the presence of koilocytes in them.
Screening test
It helps to quickly detect high concentrations of viruses in the human body. This type of research has gained wide popularity due to its accuracy.
If the wart is not dangerous and is not prone to malignancy, no special therapeutic measures are needed. Your doctor will recommend taking medications to strengthen your immune system. If there is a high probability that the growth will become malignant, the optimal treatment option is prescribed.
The vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms can be suppressed using the following antiviral drugs:
- vitamin and mineral complexes;
- immunostimulating agents.
If the development of the oncological process is not confirmed, at home you can use special ointments.
Wart removal is possible in several ways.
A therapeutic procedure involving exposure of papillomas to low temperatures, which ultimately leads to the destruction of pathological structures. With high-quality manipulation it is possible not only to stop the further growth of tumors, but also to prevent their appearance in the future.
The complexity of this method is that it is not possible to control the depth of penetration of the cold into the tissue. If the procedure is not carried out completely, residues of papilloma may remain in the skin, which will lead to its reappearance.
Benign tumors are cauterized by applying electric current to them. In this case, the doctor presets the device to a certain frequency and voltage. The type of attachment for the device is selected based on the size and thickness of the growth.
Using a loop, the specialist first removes the stem of the formation, and then cauterizes the element itself. During work, simultaneous coagulation of the capillaries occurs, which prevents bleeding.
After removal, the operated area is treated with an antiseptic.
The lesion is exposed to a stream of low-frequency radio waves. In this case, the electrodes capture only the damaged areas, the healthy tissue remains intact. A wound forms at the site of the removed growth.
The method is considered one of the most popular due to its simplicity and speed of implementation. The session lasts on average no more than a quarter of an hour.
The procedure itself is not accompanied by pain, but the patient may feel slight discomfort.
Burning of papillomas occurs by exposing it to a laser beam, resulting in layer-by-layer evaporation of the cells and complete excision of the element.
If you treat papillomas in this way, the likelihood of recurrence is minimized.
Nutrition for papillomas on the body implies the presence in the diet of fermented milk, seafood, honey, garlic, onions, vegetables, lean meat and fish.
If we talk about fruit, it is advisable to consume it between main meals as a snack. It is better to give preference to yellow, red or orange fruits.
When to delete
Complete removal of papilloma-like formations is recommended if there are many papillomas on the neck and other places where there is a high risk of damage that can provoke the development of cancer.
Other removal instructions:
- activeheightwarts, which can mean more serious disorders in the body;
- planningpregnancy, since it is against the background of hormonal changes that the risk of the appearance of benign and malignant tumors increases.
Also, it is necessary to remove the growths if they are prone to malignant tumors.
Why are they dangerous?
The main danger of papillomas is their ability to degenerate into an oncological form. Additionally, cancers, especially those located in open areas of the body, are more susceptible to injury, which can cause bleeding or infection.
Prognosis after removal
If the removal is done poorly or is incomplete, the papilloma may reappear. To prevent this from happening, it is not recommended to self-medicate.
Furthermore, some types of growths by their nature are subject to recurrence, regardless of the effectiveness of the therapy. To avoid this, you must first eliminate the root cause.
Following a number of recommendations will help prevent the disease:
- deal only with protected peoplesex;
- use only your own itemshygiene;
- strengthen regularlyimmunity;
- eat healthy, quality foodproducts;
- undergo medical examinationsmedical examinationfor preventive purposes at least once a year.
Papillomas on the body are benign neoplasms, in most cases they do not cause any discomfort to a person. Some types of growths, especially when exposed to certain factors, can become malignant.
To prevent this condition, when a lump appears, it is recommended to consult a specialist who, if necessary, will prescribe adequate treatment.